Introduction to Dobong-Gu

Map of the way to Dobong-gu Office

Information of Dobong district office

  • Address : Madeul-ro 656 (Banghak-dong), Dobong-gu, Seoul
  • Phone : Call 120 (Dasan Call Center) or 02-2091-2120(ARS)

Visit by subway

This is about how to visit by subway, it provides Banghak Station line No. 1 and Changdong Station line No. 1 and 4.
Banghak Station
line No. 1
exit 2, or exit 3 (Towards Dobong district office) -> Walk 5 minutes
Changdong Station
line No. 1 and 4
exit 1 (Towards Dobong police station, Dobong district office) → Town bus (No. 08 or 09) → Exit Dobong district office stop

Visit by bus (Exit Dobong district office stop)

This is about how to visit by bus (Exit Dobong district office stop), it provides green bus, blue bus and town bus.
Green bus 1127
Blue bus 146
Town bus Dobong 08, Dobong 09

Visit by bus (Exit Banghak station)

This is about how to visit by bus (Exit Banghak station), it provides blue bus and gyeonggi bus.
Blue bus 106, 107, 108 GS Apartment complex, 108 Apartment complex (Night), 108 TS Apartment complex,
108 TS Apartment complex(Apartment complex),108 Golf center, 108 Golf center(Night), 140, 141, 142, 150, 160
Gyeonggi bus 118 Yangju, 133 Uijeongbu, 36(Night) Uijeongbu, 36 Uijeongbu, 5 Uijeongbu, 72-3 Pocheon, 72 Pocheon