
Street Course 6

The Shadow of National Division & Peace Culture Bunker Trail

The Shadow of National Division & Peace Culture Bunker Trail

An exploration course includes Seoul Iris Garden (Changpowon Park), a medicinal plant garden, and a wetland garden featuring various flowers and plants such as iris. It also covers the transformation of anti-tank barriers, once symbols of confrontation and division, into a space for culture and arts, among others.

Course 6

The Shadow of National Division & Peace Culture Bunker Trail

  1. 1Seoul Iris Garden (Changpowon Park) Entrance
  2. 2Peace-Culture-Bunker
  3. 3Darakwon Site
  4. 4Kim Su-young's House (※ Sungwangdang, General Walker Monument)

Map of history
and culture road

Map of history and culture road

Photos of history
and culture road

Photos of history and culture road1